Sunday 28 September 2014

Hello guys..
Today I would like to share with you about the hottest topic among the university students. Its all about 'PLAGIARISM'.
First of all , many of us think that plagiarism as copying the other's work without permission.
there are actually a lots examples of plagiarism such as turning someone else as your own work, copying the other's work without giving them any credit, giving the incorrect information about the sources of quotation, and others. Most of us actually involve in this plagiarism act since we're in primary. I still remember that, during my primary school, I always copy the images from the website. But i never know that it was a wrong action by copying the other's work without giving them any credits. I finally know about plagiarism since I am in university level. It was not too late for me to have the correct ways to prevent plagiarism especially to complete my assignment.
There are a few steps to preventing plagiarism that we can apply.Firstly, make your own outlines to generate your ideas before writing. Then , if you want to include the someone else work into your work, don't forget to cite the sources properly.
Remember that PLAGIARISM is a wrong action. Try to avoid it :)

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