Wednesday 22 October 2014

how to paraphrase correctly??

Hello :)
First of you know what is paraphrasing? yes yes yes.. paraphrasing means that taking another person's idea and restating using your own words. The words paraphrase actually come from the word par (equal) /a / phrase /, which means a sentences equal to the original but written in other version.( format and words). Student like me usually have a lots of challenge to paraphrase correctly..hehe.

there are 3 condition for a good paraphrase:

  1. Your paraphrase must have same meaning as original. 
  2. You should use your own words.
  3. You should cite the original source. 
                                            ~ please include all important points / ideas.
                                            ~ don't add any new ideas (own ideas)
                                            ~don't alter the original meaning.
                                            ~change the vocabulary and sentences as much as you can.

Diwali (Festival of Lights)

Hello everyone :)

In general Diwali also known as Deepavali and the "festival of lights", is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated in autumn every year.The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair.
Diwali festival usually celebrated with a lot of cheerful in Malaysia.

I wish HAPPY DEEPAWALI to all of my friends and my lovely teacher Dr Krish :)

Thursday 2 October 2014

It is TRUE?

Hello guys :)
I would like to share about my learning on ELC classes last Wednesday. It is about the tips on how to check the truth website.. First of all,. we should check the url of the website that show the source of the information. I mean that we can look at the domain name of the website such as;

  •  .gov ( the name derived from government that used by government entities in United States)
  •  .edu (show the educational institution in IP adress )
  • .org  ( derived from organization )
  • .com ( derived from the word commercial )
Secondly, the author are very related to evaluation. This is because we should know whether the author was qualified to write about the subject to avoid from getting the wrong information. Beside that, don't forget to check the date to ensure that the information is updated. Lastly, the most important part is check the sources of the website..
I hope all of this tips can help us in evaluating the website to improve our website searching skills based on the right sources.